Using a Query
국내 맞춤형 화장품 온 · 오 프라인 서비스 분석 An Analysis of On-Line and Offline Services for Customized Cosmetics in Korea
Customized cosmetics are emerging as a consumer product that companies should pay attention to in the beauty industry due to the combination of market trends and institutional introduction of customized cosmetics. In this study, six offline service brands and online service brands currently in Korea were selected to understand the current sta- tus of domestic customized cosmetics online and offline services and to derive detailed characteristics, and the cases of each brand were analyzed. The results are as follows. First, customized cosmetics services could be classified online and offline. Second, customized cosmetics brands could be divided into general brand types and brand extension types. Third, skin data measurements could be classified into genetic analysis, big data-based surveys, and device measurements. Fourth, customized cosmetics manufacturing could be classified into a device manufacturing system, a consultant man- ufacturing system, and an individual production process system. Fifth, customized cosmetics distribution and delivery could be classified into same-day sales, general delivery, and regular delivery. The results of this study are meaningful in that they have identified and analyzed the current status of personalized cosmetics on-line and offline systems in recent trends, and it was confirmed that creative attempts in the domestic customized cosmetics market continue to change. It is hoped that this study will provide information and ideas to the beauty industry and related experts in the future and be used as basic data for customized cosmetics marketing
맞춤형화장품, 온라인서비스, 오프라인서비스
customized cosmetics, on-line service, offline services

한국의류산업학회지 / 약어 : Fashion & Text. Res. J. / 2022, vol.24, no.4, 통권 138호 pp. 460-470 (11 pages) / 발행기관 : 한국의류산업학회 / 연구분야 : 자연과학 > 생활과학
김지영 /Ji-Yeong Kim 1 , 신세영 /Shin Sae Young 2 , 남현우 /Nam Hyun Woo 3
1서경대학교 대학원 미용예술학과, 2서경대학교, 3서경대학교
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