시니어 세대를 위한 스마트폰 런처 어플리케이션 UI/UX 모델 연구A Study on the Smartphone Launcher Application UI/UX Model for the Senior Generation
Today‘s E-Business suffer from web business infrastructure, changes of E-Business profit model about web contents, and changes of knowledge management and user interface. So we need extension of web interface design through user’s knowledge conversion process, also, we need cognitive and visual Factor Evaluation needed to interface design by analysing web user’s knowledge conversion process on cognitive interface.
Consequently on this study, we can know that many web interface user’s behavior process cognize and behave through 3 steps largely. First, it is unconsciously Web site produces many kinds of relative information, and conversion from formal knowledge to tacit knowledge on knowledge conversion process is happen to user, so user can do more complex cognitive behavior on understanding of concept or principles, solving a problem, and decision making. Second, it is habitualization of behavior. Meaningful combination of different kinds of information can make human’s sensory organ be more confiscated and more active reciprocal action, and joy. Third, it is simplization of action. When habitualization of behavior is done, user runs ‘unreserved behavior’ based on contingent comfortable behavior. These kinds of behavior repeat the cycle such as slow study –> fast study –> stop study(slump) –> slow study, so lastly reach the state of skill. A part of cognitive process is over through this circulation course, and then, the eyes that can see all of them appear to user. That is, study level is up through repeated training. When user runs this exercise, information is converted to knowledge and accompany inner process that is behaviorized this. Through this inner process, user establishes Chunk, that is the lump of subjective information. Through this Chunk, user differs from information based on indexing or structurization of information. So Navigation system, which is important factor of web interface, is acted core factor of cognitive process. In this study, we tried to approach intellectual interface through the web user’s knowledge conversion process. But we couldn’t run concrete Usability Test yet. In next study, we will try to study better intellectual interface which can be communicated with web user efficiently.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com
한국과학예술융합학회 / 약어 : KSAF / 2017, vol.31, pp. 119-134 (16 pages) / DOI : 10.17548/ksaf.2017.12.30.119 / 발행기관 : 한국전시산업융합연구원 / 연구분야 : 복합학 > 학제간연구